
You may contact the committee via e-mail at

City of Cape Town:

C3 System: [] or
Cell for SMS: 31373, or
Telephone: 0860 103 089

Councillor Liz Brunette:

[] or
Cell: 082 823 6584, or
Telephone (office): 021 794 2493

Subcouncil 20, City of Cape Town:

Alphen Centre
Main Road,

Chairman: Councillor Ian Iversen
Manager: Mr Brian Ford
Secretary: Ms Shioban Williams
[] or
Telephone: 021 794 2493
Fax:            021 794 7692


  • SAPS van/Patrol vehicle (Claremont): 082 378 9438  or 079 894 1908
  • Claremont Police Station: 021 657 2240/ 50/ 51 (24 hrs)
  • SAPS Van/Patrol Vehicle (Wynberg): 079 894 1223
  • Wynberg Police Station: 021 799 1400
  • Metro Police: 086 076 5423
  • Chubb: Patrol vehicle: 082 379 5532
  • Chubb Control Room: 0861 021 911
  • Chubb Emergency Supervisor: 082 458 7208
  • Chubb Meet and Greet: 082 379 5532
  • ADT: Patrol vehicles: 083 636 0603 (D01) or 078 800 7471 (D02)
  • Mountain Men: Control Room: 021 700 3120
  • Bishopscourt Neighbourhood Watch: 082 600 1866


Submission of Plans for BCRA:

Tanya Golding

Mobile: 082 4687882


Other Associations:

Fernwood Residents’ Association:

Bishopscourt Village Residents’ Association: e-mail

Constantia Ratepayers and Residents Association:

Claremont Civic Association

Wynberg Civic Association